- The changing fall colors. I think autumn is officially my favorite season and I look forward to October's arrival!
- Speaking of autumn, I have been loving Elsie's posts lately, especially this one. That girl never fails to inspire with her words and photos.
- Absolutely in LOVE with this blog. Christina is truly a wonder for my senses and I am so enthralled with her minibooks!
- Planning a trip to Vegas this coming December. Vegas in and of itself is stimulation overload, I can only imagine what the Christmas season is like!
- Last night's season premiere of The Office . Holy moley, the Pam and Jim bit was the cutest thing ever!
- Gen's Halloween minibook which is even more beautiful in real life! I'm lucky enough to work with this crafty girl and I think we have the same exact taste in scrapbooking supplies - we're constantly swooning over the same products!
- Kerry Lynn's Kenner Road . The layout of the website is gorgeous enough but then you look at the gallery and it is heaven to my eyes! Especially this insanely inspiring minibook...
- School is so busy that the time seems to be flying by - always a good thing!
- Free podcasts on iTunes are just about the greatest thing my ears (and credit card) could possibly experience. I am really loving Morning Coach and Craftcast . I upload them to my iPod and take the inspiration with me wherever I go!
Friday, September 26, 2008
How it goes
I love to read about what other people are loving at the moment, so I want to do the same and share what is currently floating my boat.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm hoping I will be able to stay afloat with all my school work and actually do things AHEAD of time (novel concept, I know). I say this every semester. But this time is FOR REAL. Life is gonna be good. Yesterday I brought my Ziploc of scrap supplies to school with me. On my breaks I sat on a grassy knoll under the trees and just enjoyed being my nerdy self who enjoys paper.
Life IS good.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Oh yes.

P.S., I only recently learned what "Shake it like a Polaroid picture" truly means. All along I have been singing to Outkast, not knowing what I am talking about. Now I know :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
I was gone for a minute

Oh my goodness, what a bad blogger I have been! I've been meaning to update for oh-so-long, but just never did it. Sometimes reading about other people's lives is much more fun than sharing my own... But anyways, I have been very busy! I recently purchased a Polaroid camera from eBay and it has made everyday adventures that much more exciting! At $17 for a roll of 10 photos, I have been forced to learn how to set up the most optimal shots so as not to waste my precious film! ha! Recently we went to Disneyland on a whim and of course I brought along my Polaroid and a ziploc bag of scrapbook supplies. You better believe I busted out my bag of goodies while waiting in line! Scrapbooking photos that I just took is quite possibly the most exciting thing ever.
So here is the chipboard mini book I created about our most recent trip to D-Land. I was totally on an 8.5x11 kick for awhile, but I have definitely returned to my first true love: the mini book.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Countdown to Christmas!

Also, I have really been loving iTunes lately. I go through music-buying phases where I'm on it everyday and then all of a sudden I abandon it for weeks at a time. Nothing better than finding music that you LOVE and keep hitting the back button so you can hear it just one more time.
So today is my day off from work and I am loving the freedom. Last night while shopping -ahem, working at the store- I snagged a few new things to play with and now I'm so excited about them! The buttons were such a great deal (shown above): you fill up a mini-Gladware container with as many buttons as possible and it's only $5! If you want to buy an individual button, it's 15 cents. So being the mathematician I am (ha! I wish!) I determined that $1.00 would only equate to 6 buttons...not good enough for me. So the Gladware it was!
I love the American Crafts Remarks pack - I think bold letters always tie a page together so I'm excited to dig into those. And the cute little girl icons actually came from a keychain of about 7. They're acrylic and I already painted two because I love them so much! The mini tags are just too cute. Even though I could make them myself, their minature size was just bowling me over so I caved and bought 4, haha.
Last night I came home from work and John was making orange chicken for us - it was so good! What a guy ;) He's become quite the Emeril lately and I sure as heck do not mind!
Today I'm going to workout, pick up some groceries and lord knows whatever else catches my eye at Target, and play with my new scrap supplies! :)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Always thinking...

I'm always thinking about what's next, where I'm going, what I'll be doing, what I'll be wearing, and most importantly, where i'll be living. I don't feel much of an attachment to San Diego. Don't get me wrong, I think this city is fabulous. There are so many awesome things I love about this place, including the swap meet, the weather, Fashion Valley, and even touristy stuff like Old Town and Seaport Village. But I don't know if this is where I want to plant my roots, so to speak. Come graduation, when it's time to make some real decisions about careers and real estate, I want to start fresh and move somewhere new. I have so many ideas: Mission Viejo, Carlsbad, Redondo Beach, Irvine, Agoura...the list is endless! I even think it might be fun to move up to Mammoth Lakes for a short while and experience the mountain life. But then again, that would take me away from my beloved D-Land and lord knows that would be pushing it (hahaha):

In other news, I won a contest on Kristina Contes' blog! Woo! I was so psyched and still am! Alright, I'm off to workout before I work tonight. Have a great day ;)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Estoy aqui.

Oh my goodness, why am I so bad at updating? I'm always putting it off like it's a ten page paper or something...not quite sure why I do that? So anyways, I have been super busy, working all the time, making money to support my hobbies, haha. In fact, I actually work at a scrapbook store! It includes a LOT of restocking and pricing and doing things you don't normally associate with the glamorous world of scrapping, but it is money in the bank nonetheless. AND there just so happens to be a sweet discount on all merchandise for employees, which I am ever so pleased about, haha. And every once in awhile, when I return home from a long day in the scrapbook world I actually find the time and energy to create!

I was thinking that another one of my friends needs to get married STAT because last summer was so much fun with all of Heather's bridal festivities. And no, it won't be me, hahah! I was going through all my old photos yesterday, just looking for something new and excting to plan scrapbook pages around, and I found so many fabulous things! I love when I forget about what I have and then rediscover it in all its glory - its like finding money in my pocket! Yessss! Tonight I am heading home to Simi to see my family which I am so excited about. It's funny how when you move away, you suddenly feel so nostalgic for home and all the things you took for granted for so long. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, perhaps?
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