So here we are, back in San Diego, job hunting, scrapbooking, working out, sleeping, etc. This past weekend John and I went hiking over at
Mission Trails which was a lot of fun. First we started out on a "real" trail but then we heard a snake rattle so we booked it outta there! Then we decided we could walk along the paved road, which would be the safe alternative to hiking, haha. We like to think we are nature savvy, but maybe we're just better off enjoying it from a nice distance :)
Of course, my scrapbook addiction is alive and well. Actually right now I think I'm not as motivated to whip out pages, but I know I'll get back into it.

A few days ago I downloaded a trial version of Adobe Illustrator and it has been so much fun! John - the former graphic design major- is already a pro at this program so it's nice having my own little tutor to help me work out my computer challenged-ness, haha. I've made a ton of tags and circle journaling spots and little designs that make me feel super excited! Making your own embellishments is fun! But I must say the most exciting part has been my obsession with making "faux" photobooth strips. I just make a photobooth template, resize my photos and drop them in their little slots and wa-bam! Instant photobooth gratification, minus the three dollar fee!

My mom and I really do have a thing for Pottery Barn - it is just so fabulous and their bathrooms are always the best! This particular one in Pasadena was two stories - always a bonus! kinda reminded me of the ones in Santa Monica and South Coast Plaza. See how we are addicted? Haha.

So recently I feel as though my style has been evolving at a rapid pace. Things that used to inspire me no longer do and things I never thought would inspire me have set my mojo on fire! Haha, I always think it's funny how creativity ebbs and flows. Kind of annoying when it ebbs, but I think
Ali Edwards is the master of explaining how it is just part of the process. I think Ali Edwards is really just the master, period.
Alrighty, more later! Have a great day :)
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